Scientific Program

NOVEMBER 11 2018
NOVEMBER 12 2018
NOVEMBER 13 2018
NOVEMBER 14 2018
14:00-17:00// Credentials / Registrations
18:30 // Opening Session
19:30 // Conference
21:00-22:00 // Opening Cocktail
8:30 // Oral Presentation
10:45 // Short-break
11:00 // Conference
14:00 // Roundtable
16:00 // Coffee break
16:30-18:00 // Panels Session
8:30 // Oral Presentation
10:45 // Short-break
11:00 // Conference
14:00 // Roundtable
16:00 // Coffee Break
16:30-18:00 // Panels Session
21:30-02:00 // Social Event
8:30 // Oral Presentation
10:45 // Short-break
11:00 // Conference
14:00 // Roundtable
16:00 // Coffee Break
16:30 // General Assembly
20:00-22:00 // Closing Dinner
* Dinner value R$ 55,00 (fifty five reais). The conference dinner will take place at the Mar Hotel Conventions composed by: entrée+ main dish + dessert + one beverage.
P.S. Changes could be requested until November 15th by E-mail: letra1@editoraletra1.com , with title and authors name.
Release of abstract book
Thematic axis
1 - Ecology, behaviour and conservation;
2 - Physiology, reproduction and development;
3 - Ecotoxicology;
4 - Genetic and Filogeny;
5 - Fishery and aquiculture;
6 - Sistematic, Taxonomy and Biogeography;
7 - Education and etnocarcinology.